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We are here to support you through whatever concerns you might have.

In life, there are many ways to get to a destination. Similarly, the various modalities below serve as a roadmap for the therapist to guide you through the unique journey you are on. Whilst there are fundamental differences in their philosophies, delivery methods and focuses, there’s no evidence to say which is more effective – it’s all about what suits you and your circumstance best.



Therapy and counselling can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to it. We aim to make our practice welcoming for all by providing the information you need. Understand more about therapy here, or read on for some of the frequently asked questions.

Our first step is to understand why you have come for therapy. Through a careful and thorough assessment, a tentative diagnosis may be made and we will help to clarify your goals and what you hope to achieve out of therapy. Based on that, we will discuss and walk through a treatment plan with you.

The rule is that what you say will be treated as completely confidential. We will not discuss your treatment with anyone else without your consent. There are however certain exceptions to confidentiality. Under the Singapore and Australian Psychological Society codes of ethics, we are under a duty to disclose certain types of information to others if a client threatens to hurt himself or to hurt others, or if it is subpoenaed by a court of law.

Through the process, we believe that developing a positive, trusting, and respectful relationship is the most important ingredient for therapeutic effectiveness.

We aim to meet you once a week or fortnight. However, it depends on the nature of the problem and also practical limitations (e.g., client availability).

Our counsellors are equipped to see clients facing anxiety or mood-related issues, relationship challenges, and other common life transitions, whereas our clinical psychologists are usually trained in clinically diagnosed cases, such as ADHD, OCD, and personality disorders.

We provide the option to take your session online through HIPAA compliant video platforms. You may opt to have your sessions online for any reason.

Working together, we will start implementing a broad variety of strategies and solutions, discussed in your initial session. Reviewing both helpful and unhelpful habits, we will examining steps to move forward.

Your length of treatment will depend on the degree and intensity of the problem. A simple rule of thumb: behavioural and adjustment issues may take between 8 to 12 sessions; moderate problems between 16 to 30 sessions and serious problems up to a year or more. It is usually not realistic to expect successful treatment from less than 6 sessions unless the problem is very straight-forward and specific.

Each clinical session will be 50 minutes long. The last 10 minutes of the hour block is reserved for your therapist to write case notes, and to settle administrative matters like payment and scheduling. 

Clinical/Educational Psychologist: $250
Counsellor: $200
Provisional Clinical Psychologist: $100
Provisional Counsellor: $80

Yes. Spouse/parents/children are welcome to provide additional information and/or for support, depending on client needs. Sessions however are typically taken individually.

Contact Us

Therapy may be a curious and intimidating process. That’s why we’re here every step of the way to support you. Feel free to contact us even if you are unsure of starting therapy. Your enquiry is confidential.


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