Psychological Assessments

Psychological Assessments

Psychological Assessments

What are psychological tests?

Psychological assessments are part of a battery which may include interviews, observations, evaluations and surveys. These standardised tests are used to collect information to identify and understand the core issues that a person is facing, and the strengths and difficulties they may experience in their various modes of functioning (e.g. cognitive and behavioural). As such, we are able to ensure that the individual receives the appropriate support and respective learning or workplace accommodations.

Some common reasons for assessments are:

  • To identify if the individual meets the criteria for a formal diagnosis
  • To assess eligibility for special school placement or  access arrangements during tests and exams
  • To gain further insight into children’s behaviour in school that affect performance
  • To determine the next steps for therapy and/or treatment
  • To  provide an updated assessment of current needs

At Mind what Matters, we make use of reliable and contemporary assessment tools to provide various tests for both youth (under 18 years old) and adults (above 18 years old). Our assessments are carried out by trained and experienced clinical and educational psychologists.

Our assessment process is divided into 3 main parts as shown below. Assessments can take up to 8 hours to administer, and may be separated into multiple sessions. Reports and feedback are typically returned 1-2 weeks after the assessment, unless stated otherwise.

How it works

Booking made simple – no membership fees, no hidden costs.
Choose to come once or weekly, it’s up to you!

Please refer below for a list of assessments we currently offer. For further enquiries, feel free to get in touch with us through our contact form or give us a call and we will be glad to assist.

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