Finding New Perspectives
Reframing is a way of changing the way you look at something – looking at the feeling, thought, or situation from another angle.
Finding the Grey Area
Absolute thinking is when we tend to think of only two extreme options, without considering the grey area in-between.
Grounding Yourself
By bringing sensory experiences to the forefront of our minds, we create space in our everyday to pause, recognise, and appreciate the happenings all around us.
Challenging Assumptions
Do you find yourself assuming the worst in some situations?
Identifying Worries
Have you ever felt like your mind is filled with so many thoughts and worries, but are unable to distinguish what exactly is causing you to feel overwhelmed?
Journalling to Reconnect
Reacquaint yourself with your emotions, acknowledging them as valuable signals from both mind and body.
Challenging Self-Criticism
Self-criticism can be beneficial as it allows for the acknowledgement of and learning from one’s failures.
Circle of Influence
When juggling multiple responsibilities and competing priorities it can be easy to become overwhelmed with anxiety and stress.
Lifestyle Pie
Burn-out is a result from overbearing prolonged stressors that have been unsuccessfully managed. It can cause feelings of exhaustion and negativism related to the topic and reduce efficacy
The Exhaustion Funnel
Getting through everyday can be struggle, especially when it’s ridden with tasks and responsibilities. When this happens, it is important for us to not reach exhaustion in the midst of living.
Bids for Connection
A bid is an attempt from one person to another for attention, affirmation, affection, or any other positive connection.
Relationships: Understanding Them
Learning to regulate how you respond to the people around you in light of your internal state is also key to progressing in your mental health journey.
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