
Anxiety is a common response to many events, and is even necessary and beneficial in some situations, keeping us alert to potential dangers or driving us to prepare and pay attention.

Anxiety disorders are relatively common and can affect anyone from all walks of life. However, the anxiety experienced in individuals with anxiety disorders is distinct from the everyday fear or nervousness over what’s to come. It is usually disproportionate to the situation, and/or hinders ability to function in everyday life. This general feeling of fear may linger with the individual all the time, and in extreme cases, be specific and prevent them from entering an elevator, leaving their house, meeting their friends.

  • Feeling nervous, restless, or tense
  • A sense of impending doom, danger, or panic
  • Increased heart rate
  • Hyperventilation
  • Increased sweating
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Anxiety attack

Types of Anxiety

Phobias (Specific)

Intense fear or anxiety of certain items and situations that pose little to no threat (e.g., a non-poisonous spider). This intense fear could also be triggered just by the thought of the feared object.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Common problem that usually starts during teenage years and may have a big impact on life. It is a fear that does not go away and affects everyday activities, self-confidence, relationships, and work or school life. Constantly feeling overly worried before, during, and after social situations.

Coping with Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety can be especially challenging and overwhelming when the negative feelings that accompany it are persistent and intense. However, with the right combination of support from loved ones and therapy, when necessary, would help individuals dealing with Anxiety find themselves in a better place.

Consultants who can help

Annette Chen

Hi, I’m Annette, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is Anxiety.

Clarice Ng

Hi, I’m Clarice, a counsellor. I work mainly with young adults, and my primary clinical interest is trauma issues.

Claudia Ahl

Hi, I’m Claudia, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with young adults, and my primary clinical interest is Depression.

Diana Petrov

Hi, I’m Diana, a counsellor. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is work-related issues.

Jamie Ong

Hi, I’m Jamie, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with Children, and my primary clinical interest is neurodevelopmental disorders.

Jitsy Lim

Hi, I’m Jitsy, an educational psychologist! I enjoy working with students, and my primary clinical interest is developmental needs.

Marilyn Santhu

Hi, I’m Marilyn, a Provisional Clinical Psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is grief and loss.

Mark Rozario

Hi, I’m Mark, a clinical Psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is Anxiety.

Nandita Nalawala

Hi, I’m Nandita, a counsellor. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is stress-related issues.

Stephanie Lee

Hi, I’m Stephanie, a Clinical Psychologist. I work mainly with young adults, and my primary clinical interest is mood-related issues.

Stephanie Tak

Hi, I’m Stephanie, a counsellor. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is relationship issues.

Tiffany Ng

Hi, I’m Tiffany, an associate counsellor. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is relationship issues.
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