Crisis Intervention

Crisis Intervention

We emphasise post-traumatic growth.

Crisis Intervention

Crisis Management

Having been deployed to aid with single to systemic crises, we are able to provide psychological safety for all affected parties and contain any adverse after-effects by ensuring those within the circle of vulnerability are well-tended to.

Our extensive experience in critical incident management makes us a leader in crisis intervention training. 

Suicide Intervention

Our expertise is in providing preventive training in working with suicidal individuals. By harnessing kindness and understanding, we utilise gold standard interventions for helping those in despair.

Most importantly, we recognise that often, suicidal individuals are not seeking a reason to die, but rather, a reason to live.

Onsite Counselling Support

We are here for you in times of unprecedented events. From critical incidents to difficult situations that require onsite support, we are dedicated to preparing and executing the necessary arrangements for your organisation.

Its structure works more similarly to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), though this form of support will be charged per-hour instead of per-use.

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+65 8907 9590


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