Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect the development of the nervous system and brain functions. These disorders typically manifest during childhood and can have a lifelong impact on an individual’s ability to communicate, learn, and interact with others. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact cause, given that it’s an interplay between genetic and environmental factors.

  • Difficulty with social interactions and communication
  • Difficulty with understanding and using nonverbal communication (e.g. facial expressions and gestures)
  • Challenges in developing and maintaining relationships with peers and adults
  • Repetitive patterns of behaviour (e.g. rocking, hand-flapping)
  • Intense interests in specific topics or objects
  • Inflexible adherence to routines or rituals
  1. Inattention
    • Difficulty paying attention
    • Forgetfulness
    • Disorganisation
    • Trouble following instructions
  2. Hyperactivity-impulsivity
    • Fidgeting
    • Restlessness
    • Interrupting others
    • Acting without thinking

ID is typically defined as having an intelligence quotient (IQ) score below 70, along with limitations in adaptive behaviours such as communication, self-care and social skills. Both the areas of intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour have to be taken into account, contrary to popular belief that IQ score is the only indicator.

The severity of ID can vary widely, and each individual with ID faces a different set of challenges in aspects of daily life like communication, learning and problem-solving. In terms of intervention and support, of note would be the significance of having support groups, respite care and community-based services in helping individuals with ID and their families navigate the challenges associated.

LD typically affects an individual’s ability to learn and process information effectively. It affects a variety of cognitive processes such as reading, writing, maths, and communication. It is important to note that LD is not related to intelligence, but rather to the way the brain processes information.

  • Dyslexia: A reading disorder that affects an individual’s ability to read accurately and fluently
  • Dyscalculia: A maths disorder that affects an individual’s ability to understand and manipulate numbers
  • Dysgraphia: A writing disorder that affects an individual’s ability to write legibly and coherently
  • Language disorders: Disorders that affect an individual’s ability to understand or produce spoken language
  • Nonverbal learning disorders: Disorders that affect an individual’s ability to process visual-spatial information and interpret nonverbal cues

Consultants who can help

Annette Chen

Hi, I’m Annette, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is Anxiety.

Jamie Ong

Hi, I’m Jamie, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with Children, and my primary clinical interest is neurodevelopmental disorders.

Jitsy Lim

Hi, I’m Jitsy, an educational psychologist! I enjoy working with students, and my primary clinical interest is developmental needs.

Joel Yang

Hi, I’m Joel, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is depression.

Stephanie Lee

Hi, I’m Stephanie, a Clinical Psychologist. I work mainly with young adults, and my primary clinical interest is mood-related issues.
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