Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) aims to foster acceptance of negative situations which are out of our control, and commitment to changing what is in our control, effective for many conditions.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a mindful psychotherapy that helps clients focus on the present, accepting their thoughts and feelings without judgement. 

Stemming from cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT), ACT helps clients learn to stop avoiding and struggling with emotions, instead accepting that these feelings are appropriate responses to certain situations and should not prevent them from moving forward. By fostering this acceptance, ACT enables clients to reduce the impact of distressing thoughts and emotions on their lives. 

The goal of ACT is to develop psychological flexibility in which clients learn to listen to how they speak to themselves about their struggles, allowing them to discern when they can take action or accept situations as they are. This flexibility helps break problematic thought patterns and behaviours, promoting healthier coping mechanisms. 


ACT aims to create a meaningful life while accepting the inevitable pain that comes with it. It contains 6 core principles:

  • Defusion: Distancing from and changing how we react to distressing thoughts.
  • Acceptance: Embracing the full range of thoughts and emotions.
  • Contact with the present moment: Observing thoughts and feelings without judgment or altering.
  • The Observing Self: Understanding that your identity is more than just your thoughts and experiences.
  • Values: Choosing personal values rather than conforming to others.
  • Committed Action: Taking steps aligned with the values, including goal setting and skill development.

ACT typically involves a therapist helping clients understand and be aware of their inner emotions, accept their hardships, and commit to making necessary behavioural changes, regardless of current life circumstances or feelings. Therapists support clients in breaking free from unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours, enabling them to make meaningful changes and live a value-driven life.


ACT is effective for a variety of psychological disorders, including anxiety, depression, and addictions, and has also been shown to help with conditions such as chronic pain. By teaching mindfulness skills and promoting psychological flexibility, ACT helps clients handle life’s challenges more effectively and lead richer, more fulfilling lives.

Consultants who practice this

Adrian Chua

Hi, I’m Adrian, a provisional counsellor. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is work-related stress.

Annette Chen

Hi, I’m Annette, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is Anxiety.

Claudia Ahl

Hi, I’m Claudia, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with young adults, and my primary clinical interest is Depression.

Joel Yang

Hi, I’m Joel, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is depression.

Lysia Tan

Hi, I’m Lysia, a clinical psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is behavioral management/ social skills intervention.

Marilyn Santhu

Hi, I’m Marilyn, a Provisional Clinical Psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is grief and loss.

Mark Rozario

Hi, I’m Mark, a clinical Psychologist. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is Anxiety.

Stephanie Lee

Hi, I’m Stephanie, a Clinical Psychologist. I work mainly with young adults, and my primary clinical interest is mood-related issues.

Stephanie Tak

Hi, I’m Stephanie, a counsellor. I work mainly with adults, and my primary clinical interest is relationship issues.
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