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An addiction can be both physical and psychological in nature, and it is typically characterised by a strong urge to engage in the addictive behaviour or use the addictive substance, even when it can cause negative physical, mental, and social well-being consequences to the individual or those around them. Its impacts go beyond their health, and can affect an individual’s relationships, career, and everyday living. 

Common Factors Influencing Addictions

  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Personal factors
  • Social factors

Examples of Addictive Behaviours

  • Gambling
  • Love and sex
  • Food
  • Internet
  • Video game
  • Pornography

Examples of Addictive Substances

  • Drugs
  • Nicotine
  • Alcohol 

Levels of Substance Addiction

  1. Substance use: Normal social use that causes no incapacity
  2. Misuse: Use substance for unintended purposes or inappropriate amounts
  3. Intoxication: Use in quantities leading to an altered mental state
  4. Abuse: Use to the extent that it disrupts the user’s life in some way
  5. Dependence: Usage in maladaptive quantities, experiences withdrawal symptoms, developing a tolerance for the substance

Depending on the level of involvement, the treatment approach will look very different. Treatment goals typically include helping individuals manage their cravings, overcome their addiction triggers, and develop other coping strategies.

Coping with Addictions

Dealing with an addiction can be difficult, especially with the negative feelings that can come with it. However, with the right combination of therapy, medication, and support from friends and family, individuals coping with addictions can find themselves in a better place.
