Examples of Typical Transitions
- Death of loved ones
- Ending of relationships
- Onset of illnesses or health issues
- Moving or transitioning to a new environment
- Financial difficulties
- Unexpected catastrophes
In general, having a hard time coping with stress can interfere with daily activities, work, social life, and wellbeing.
Signs of Difficulties Coping with Stress
- Feelings of sadness, hopelessness
- Excessive stress, worrying, nervousness
- Fear, irritability, anger
- Physiological pains or aches
- Insufficient sleep or poor appetite
- Social withdrawal
- Disturbance of conduct – for children and youths
Examples of Ways to Manage Stress
- Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises and practice mindfulness
- Engage in exercises regularly such as going for a stroll in the park
- Engage in hobbies that you enjoy
- Connect with family and friends who are able to provide you support in this period of change
Coping with Difficult Transitions
A time of stressful transition can be overwhelming and emotionally taxing. Engaging in therapy provides a safe space to process these emotions and develop coping strategies. Equally important would be the support from family and friends, whose encouragement may offer a sense of stability and reassurance.
Adjustment disorder is typically known for a cluster of signs that follow a significant stressor within three months. It is considered a short-term issue as signs are typically resolved within six months. Though the signs presented appear to be similar to that of mood disorders, both differ in their duration and cause. Seeking professional help in differentiating between the various disorders and receiving the appropriate intervention is key in resolving these issues.