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Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences a person can have. It involves a great deal of patience, love, and sacrifice. From the moment a child is born, parents are faced with a range of issues that they must navigate in order to raise a healthy and happy child.

Common Issues in Parenting

  • Finding the right balance between disciplining and providing support
  • Managing the demands of work and family (and other commitments)
  • Making informed decisions on behalf of your child
  • Ensuring your child feels loved and supported
  • Setting a good example for your child
  • Conflicts with spouse that can interfere with the parenting process
  • Making sure there’s sufficient self-care as a parent
  • Managing the changes (e.g. physical, emotional) in your child
  • Family relationship issues (e.g. intergenerational trauma)

Factors Affecting Parenting

  • Number of children in household
  • Age gap between each child
  • Difference in parenting different-aged children

Although these might not be unique to each individual, they can pose as additional stressors.

The process of navigating through these issues can get stressful, overwhelming, and can sometimes evoke feelings of helplessness and insecurity. Having the appropriate support for yourself as a parent is paramount in sustaining and maintaining a quality life.

Some ways to mitigate the stress can be reaching out to other parents and sharing the burden, finding interests outside of your parenting role, and lastly, showing kindness and compassion to yourself.
